Student Posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love is in the air!

What a fun filled week we've had and it's only Thursday! On Tuesday we celebrated our 100th day of school. All day we participated in activities involving the number 100 including creating portraits of ourselves at age 100 complete with grey hair and wrinkles. We also made 'bucket lists' that focused on everything we'd like to accomplish before we reach the big century mark. The children displayed their homemade creative projects and we had a chance to check out others during our parade around the primary wing. Thank you for all of your help with these!

Valentine's day has been really special. The children have all done such a nice job celebrating their friendships by exchanging cards and other treats. Look for the Valentine reading activity that came home today and another special glittery surprise!
During all of this excitement we haven't forgotten our feathered penguin friends. We have had some activities centered around penguin pairs that the children created and we are getting ready to make life sized penguins. Ask your child which one s/he plans to make and what s/he learned from the class graph we created.
Tomorrow (Friday) begins our Hinesburg Reading Celebration kickoff! At the end of the school day, the whole school will assemble and read silently in the gym. The reading graph this week will look a little different than our usual one. Please use this one in its' place and bring it back the Friday before vacation. Mrs. Stanley, our librarian, will draw names for prizes on that day!
*Reminder - Please send sneakers with your child on Thursdays and Fridays for P.E.  Thank you for your help!

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